June Volunteer of the Month – Al Wagner

Meet our volunteers! Each month, we’ll be highlighting a stand-out volunteer (or two) and how they support families. For June, meet Al Wagner, who has been essential in supporting our many fundraising events.

  1. How long have you volunteered with us? I started in 2010, so almost 10 years now.
  2. Where or how do you usually volunteer, and what do you usually do? I volunteer for the organizations’ s special events, doing whatever needs to be done – I’ve even been nicknamed “The Head Grunt.” I’m also on the Sporting Clays committee, helping to plan and organize the annual fall fundraiser.  Plus, I’ve gotten my wife Henrietta involved as a volunteer too!
  3. Why did you first start volunteering with RMHC and what keeps you coming back? I started because I wanted to make a difference by raising money for the sick children and their families to have a place to stay. I keep coming back for that very reason – it makes me feel good to help others that I will probably never meet. I also have many friends, family, and coworkers saving pop tabs, and I donate thousands and thousands of them to the RMH near Loyola.
  4. What is your favorite memory or experience from volunteering? There have been many, but probably the first Skate with the Greats event back when it was in Cicero, IL. Also Rock the House – once I raised over $240 in 20 minutes walking around with the big plastic donation container!
  5. What does it mean to you to donate your time to RMHC-CNI? It means everything to me knowing that every dime I help raise at these events goes directly to the Houses here in Chicago.

Thank you Al for your continued dedication and commitment!

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